Civil Engineering
Civil engineering organises the movement and retention of natural materials, people and goods. This work is achieved through the spatial integration of structures and flow paths. Novel approaches rely on life cycle thinking, with learning-from-nature, self-regulating systems and the ease of operation and maintenance, for:for:
Virtual Consulting Engineers blends industry experience with first principles through all project stages, from inception to design and construction. We combine judicious use of standard designs with customised spreadsheets and software packages:
Our contract documentation is rooted in SANS 1200 Standardised Specification for Civil Engineering Construction, which is augmented or exchanged with the different parts of SANS 2001 Construction Works for technical descriptions of materials and workmanship. We also provide in-house quantity surveying services.
Department of Public Works
The earth wall dam at Zonstraal border line base was rehabilitated after it was found at risk of breaching. The work included repair and recompacting of the wall, creating stone pitched wave protection and construction of a new concrete spillway. A water abstraction tower with subsoil drain was constructed for bulk water supply.
Department of Public Works / Correctional Services
Reinstatement of all asphalt surfaces for internal roads, paving areas and repair of stormwater infrastructure at George Prison complex. Complete rehabilitation of access roads, paving, earth embankments and stormwater infrastructure at Knysna Prison complex. Design and specifications had to include the use of materials already on site to reduce costs.
Marakele Private Game Reserve
Kingfisher dam wall, in the Matlabas River, was repaired with a new 80m concrete anchor beam along the length at the base, with weeping holes and a rock filter that would block up existing leaks with silt over time. Energy dissipating structures were constructed as part of the new spillway
Department of Public Works / Correctional Services
At Paarl Allandale Prison, the damaged existing fence was replaced with new high security perimeter fencing with seismic sensors to detect disturbance of fence panels. A low maintenance gravel access road for fence patrols was also constructed on a raised sub-base to integrate with the stormwater drainage.
Department of Public Works
Lebombo between South Africa and Mozambique is one of the busiest land ports of entry. Over many years, cargo carriers have damaged the dedicated bypass road for trucks. The road was upgraded to improve traffic flow for greater capacity, complete with new parking area with rehabilitated sub-base and